

Matters of legal translation need an extra precision for translation. Such translations are usually come handy, and also become essential document to be presented in courts and government offices and agencies. Our legal translators are capable of giving justice to legal matters. They understand law and also effect of every written word. You can rely upon us when it comes to translation of legal documents as well as other important documents.


For different needs, we have different translation and transcreation plans. Here are details:


Ideal for jobs where perfection is not as important as understanding content. For example, you may need to translate an email received in one language into another one to know the message. You need content but perfection is not your requirement. You can go for basic translation for things like internal emails, internal documents, business queries, notifications, blogs, forums, reading material for personal use and so on. Formatting is not offered in basic translation.


In advance translation, you get translation by a native speaker of the language and accuracy checking and editing done by another person. Advance translation comes handy for things like press releases, articles, market research reports, online product descriptions, legal documents, medical documents, outbound emails and so on. Formatting is done in advance translation.


When translation needs to be of utmost importance, we suggest you to go for ultra translation. It comes with all the benefits of advance translation. Over and above that, ultra translation comes with improvisation in local and regional text so that the content becomes universally effective. Ultra translation is recommended for things like professional website, stationery and press releases for international use, marketing material, social media content and so on.


Taking a cue from original content and then, transforming it into another language in such a way that it becomes as good as original is what transcreation does. It comes with all benefits of ultra translation and offers more too. While descriptive and longer content, such as a global press release, can get due justice with ultra translation, certain things like catch lines, slogans, etc. need much more careful handling to make them perfect in another language. Go for transcreatioin for things like brand message, marketing content, poems, etc. For more on transcreation service,click here



Media houses, construction giants, PR companies, NGOs, entrepreneurs, businessmen to celebrities, we feel immensely happy to serve all!